Organic Fertilizer – PRO-PELL-IT!

Pro-Pell-It! is Marion Ag’s premium organic fertilizer line. Produced in our organic processing facility in Aurora, Oregon these products are in both meal and pelleted form. We source for purity and economic value so our customers can rest assured they get what they pay for!


Pro-Pell-It! Alfalfa Meal 2.5-0-2.5 is an excellent, all-purpose fertilizer when supplemented with a source of phosphorus. Alfalfa Meal has the ability to increase water retention, improve soil structure, and stimulate biological activity. Pro-Pell-It! Alfalfa Meal is a non-GMO product.

Analysis 2.5-0-2.5
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Alfalfa Meal 2.5-0-2.5
SDS Pro-Pell-It Alfalfa Meal 2.5-0-2.5

Pro-Pell-It! 8-2-5 is a granular, all-purpose blend formulated to provide sustained feeding in any application. Derived from feather meal, fish bone, potassium sulfate, and sulfate of potash magnesia this blend is recommended for turf, landscapes, and gardens.

Analysis 8-2-5 w/ 2% Ca, .6% Mg, 3% S
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Granular All-Purpose 8-2-5 V2.1
SDS Pro-Pell-It 8-2-5
Certs OMRI

Pro-Pell-It! 8-0-4 is a mini granular turf blend formulated to achieve an optimal distribution while spreading, and provide sustained feeding throughout the season. Derived from feather meal, sulfate of potash magnesia, iron sucrate, and olivine, this blend is recommended for turf applications at 5-15 lbs. per 1000 square feet up to 4 times per year. The feather meal provides a slow release source of nitrogen for steady feeding while the olivine and iron sucrate provide nutrients needed for a deep, green color.

Analysis 8-0-4 w/ 2.5% Mg, 4.25% S, 2.5% Fe
Blend #31087
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It 8-0-4 Granular Turf
SDS Pro-Pell-It 8-0-4 Granular Turf
Certs OMRI

Pro-Pell-It! Blood Meal 13-0-0 provides a potent source of nitrogen to your soil and is ideal for heavy feeders like corn, broccoli, tomatoes, and leafy greens. It is proven to provide vigorous growth and nurture a deep, lush green in all plant types. You can topdress it throughout the season to steadily feed your plant, or add it to your compost pile to balance your carbon-nitrogen ratio.

Analysis 13-0-0
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Blood Meal 13-0-0
SDS Pro-Pell-It Blood Meal 13-0-0

Pro-Pell-It! Bone Meal 3-15-0 provides plants with an exceptional source of three key nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium. These nutrients promote vegetative growth, deep root structures, and robust stems, as well as stalks and leaves. Bone meal’s high phosphorus content makes it ideal for bulbs, fruits, and other flowering plants, as it encourages the development of high-quality blooms.

Analysis 3-15-0 24% Ca
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Bone Meal 3-15-0
SDS Pro-Pell-It Bone Meal 3-15-0

Pro-Pell-It! Bone Meal 6-12-0 is similar to our Bone Meal 3-15-0, but with a more balanced nitrogen to phosphorus ratio.

Analysis 6-12-0 17% Ca
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Bone Meal 6-12-0
SDS Pro-Pell-It Bone Meal 3-15-0
Certs WSDA

Pro-Pell-It! Cottonseed Meal 5-2-1 is a great all-purpose fertilizer. Due to its slightly acidic nature, Cottonseed Meal is ideal for plants that thrive in acidic soil such as blueberries, strawberries, azaleas, and rhododendrons. Historically this product was registered organic with WSDA. However, due to new regulations regarding the use of GMO products, this product is no longer organically certified, despite being packaged under the Pro-Pell-It! name.

Analysis 5-2-1
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Cottonseed Meal 5-2-1
SDS Pro-Pell-It Cottonseed Meal 5-2-1

Pro-Pell-It! Crustacean Meal 4-0-0 is a unique input because it contains a major constituent in the exoskeletons of many soil-dwelling insects, chitin. By introducing Crustacean Meal into your soil, you begin feeding the soil organisms that consume chitin. As the Crustacean Meal degrades and feeds the plants, these soil organisms begin seeking out new sources of chitin, such as grubs and other soil insects.

Analysis 4-0-0 12% Ca
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Crustacean Meal 4-0-0
SDS Pro-Pell-It Crustacean Meal 4-0-0

Pro-Pell-It! Feather Meal 12-0-0 is one of the most economical sources of nitrogen available to organic growers. Low in water-soluble nitrogen, Feather Meal provides a slower release of nitrogen over a longer period of time. This trait makes it ideal for incorporation during the spring as it will provide a baseline source of nitrogen for all your plants. Feather Meal should be supplemented with other phosphorus and potassium fertilizers during incorporation. Heavy feeding plants may need a kick of nitrogen from a quicker-acting source, such as blood meal, if nitrogen deficiencies begin to occur.

Analysis 12-0-0
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Feather Meal 12-0-0
SDS Pro-Pell-It Feather Meal 12-0-0

Pro-Pell-It! Fishbone Meal 4-17-0 is a marine-based alternative to products like bone meal. A potent source of phosphorus, Fishbone Meal is ideal for early root development and for all flowering plants, trees, and shrubs.

Analysis 4-17-0
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Fish Bone Meal 4-17-0
SDS Pro-Pell-It Fish Bone Meal 4-17-0

Pro-Pell-It! Fish Meal 9-4.5-0 is a versatile fertilizer used by many growers in the early to middle stages of plant growth due to its high nitrogen content, complemented with a reasonable amount of phosphorus. This Fish Meal is ideal for incorporation at the time of planting, or for topdressing throughout the season. It can be used as a nitrogen “kicker” for a feather-based nutrition program or for plants that are showing nitrogen deficiency.

Analysis 9-4.5-0
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Fish Meal 9-4.5-0
SDS Pro-Pell-It Fish Meal 9-4.5-0

Pro-Pell-It! Greensand is an organic soil conditioner, and has been used historically as a source of trace minerals. The use of Greensand has been shown to improve moisture holding capacity, increase the soil’s ability to retain nutrients, and improve overall soil structure. Greensand should be used to complement or enhance an existing NPK nutrition program.

Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It! Greensand
SDS Greensand

Pro-Pell-It Intrepid Trio 0-0-22 is a naturally mined mineral commonly called langbeinite. Trio is unique in that provides a readily available source of three essential plant nutrients: potassium, magnesium, and sulfate. Ideal for plants that are sensitive to high levels of chlorine or soluble salts.

Analysis 0-0-22 w/ 10.8% Mg, 22% S
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Intrepid Trio 0-0-22
SDS Pro-Pell-It Intrepid Trio 0-0-22

Pro-Pell-It! Kelp Meal is made from a special species of giant kelp found along the Pacific coasts, Macrocystis pyrifera. What makes this species unique is that it is known to contain higher concentrations of nitrogen and potassium than other kelps available on the market. Pro-Pell-It! Kelp Meal is harvested from the Pacific Ocean and sun-dried until it is ready for processing. It should be used to complement an NPK program.

Analysis 2-0-4
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Kelp Meal 2-0-4
SDS Pro-Pell-It Kelp Meal 2-0-4

Pro-Pell-It! Mag Kick is a granulated mineral containing four crucial plant nutrients: magnesium, iron, calcium, and manganese. Originally created for the turf market, growers around the PNW began experimenting with Mag-Kick in both nurseries and in field crops. It’s now included in several of our house blends including Premix 2000.

Analysis 22% Mg, 4% Fe, 1% Ca, .07% Mn
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Mag Kick
SDS Pro-Pell-It Mag Kick

Pro-Pell-It! Micronized Bone Meal is derived from the same material used to create our Bone Meal 3-15-0. The process of grinding our source material creates a micronized product that is the same consistency as flour. This smaller particle size means better distribution in the soil and increased nutrient availability.

Analysis 3-15-0 w/ 24% Ca
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Micronized Bone Meal 3-15-0
SDS Pro-Pell-It Bone Meal 3-15-0
Certs WSDA

Pro-Pell-It! Micronized Crustacean Meal is derived from the same material used to create our Crustacean Meal 4-0-0. The process of grinding our source material creates a micronized product that is the same consistency as flour. This smaller particle size means better distribution in the soil and increased nutrient availability.

Analysis 4-0-0 w/ 15% Ca
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Micronized Crustacean Meal 4-0-0
SDS Pro-Pell-It Crustacean Meal 4-0-0
Certs WSDA

Pro-Pell-It! Micronized Fish Bone Meal is derived from the same material used to create our Fish Bone Meal 4-17-0. The process of grinding our source material creates a micronized product that is the same consistency as flour. This smaller particle size means better distribution in the soil and increased nutrient availability.

Analysis 4-17-0 w/ 12% Ca
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Micronized Fish Bone 4-17-0
SDS Pro-Pell-It Fish Bone Meal 4-17-0
Certs WSDA

Pro-Pell-It! Micronized Kelp Meal is derived from the same material used to create our Kelp Meal 2-0-4. The process of grinding our source material creates a micronized product that is the same consistency as flour. This smaller particle size means better distribution in the soil and increased nutrient availability.

Analysis 2-0-4
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pro-Pell-It Micronized Kelp Meal 2-0-4
SDS Pro-Pell-It Kelp Meal 2-0-4
Certs WSDA

Pro-Pell-It! Pelletized Lime is granulated limestone flour, commonly used to manage soil pH. This easy-to-handle product can be applied using a rotary-type broadcast spreader. Each granule is designed to disperse or break apart shortly after coming in contact with water. Available in mini and standard sizes.

Analysis 36% Ca
Lime Score 89
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pelletized Lime
Front Pelletized Lime
Flyer Pro-Pell-It! Flyer V7
SDS Pro-Pell-It! Pelletized Lime (Standard & Mini)

Pro-Pell-It! Pelletized Dolomite is granulated dolomitic limestone, commonly used to manage soil pH and to add magnesium into the soil. This easy-to-handle product can be applied using a rotary-type broadcast spreader. Each granule is designed to disperse or break apart shortly after coming in contact with water. Available in mini and standard sizes.

Analysis 23.5% Ca, 9.5% Mg
Lime Score 95
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pelletized Dolomite
Front Pelletized Dolomite
Flyer Pro-Pell-It! Flyer V7
SDS Pro-Pell-It! Pelletized Dolomite (Standard & Mini)

Pro-Pell-It! Pelletized Gypsum is granulated, water-soluble grade gypsum, commonly used to manage soil pH and introduce sulfur/calcium into the soil. This easy-to-handle product can be applied using a rotary-type broadcast spreader. Each granule is designed to disperse or break apart shortly after coming in contact with water. Available in mini and standard sizes.

Analysis 21% Ca, 17% S
Brand Pro-Pell-It
Label Pelletized Gypsum
Front Pelletized Gypsum
Flyer Benefits of Dihydrate Gypsum Pro-Pell-It! Flyer V7
SDS Pro-Pell-It! Pelletized Gypsum (Standard & Mini)

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